8 Ways To Protect Yourself From Airborne Viruses

When the pandemic has just broken out, we were told that the coronavirus can only be transferred through droplets. But now that it is reclassified as airborne, more precautionary measures should be practiced by everyone, especially the senior citizens.
Seniors belong to the most vulnerable groups to COVID 19. Accordingly, older people and those with underlying medical conditions are most likely to develop serious and critical forms of COVID 19.

The vulnerability of seniors to illnesses has many root causes and one of which is their weakened immune system. To prevent sicknesses caused by airborne viruses, like the coronavirus, boosting the immune system can be one solution. But even then, observing the following can also help protect our seniors:

Getting Vaccinated

Seniors are on top of priority groups to be vaccinated, together with medical front liners. By now, most seniors must have been vaccinated already. But because it is not being enforced, there are still many seniors out there that are not vaccinated. Either they have some serious medical conditions, or they are having second thoughts.

Indeed, many people out there are having second thoughts about getting vaccinated. This can be because of the many myths that are being circulated. But vaccination is still the best way to protect yourself against the coronavirus. And this also pertains to other illnesses caused by other airborne viruses like flu. As you take your anti-flu vaccines, the same is true that you should be vaccinated against COVID 19.

Wearing of Face Masks

Wearing a mask is important when you are in public spaces. This helps lessen the transmission of airborne diseases and this does not only include COVID 19. This is because not all infected persons are confined in their homes. Because some are asymptomatic, they may not know that they are infected until they undergo necessary tests.

Washing of the Hands

Regular washing of the hands with water and soap. This is important as it is unavoidable not to touch our face with our hands. When our hands are brought near our face, it is most probable that the virus will enter through our nose and mouth. This can also help avoid transmitting the virus to other people if you are infected.

Physically Distancing Yourself

Not distancing yourself from random people will increase your chances of getting infected. For COVID 19, it is advised that you should at least maintain a distance of 6 feet. If possible, make it longer than 6 feet. Some viruses may travel a longer distance when sneezed or coughed out.

Avoiding the Crowd

To be able to avoid the crowd, you should stay home if you do not have some important matters to attend to outside your residence. You are more vulnerable to be infected when you are in public spaces as infected people may be roaming around. You may not also be able to maintain social distancing if there are more people in a room.

Staying Out of Unventilated Rooms

Viruses may live in the air longer even if the infected person has left. In an unventilated room, the air circulates within the room and may not go out. This will increase your chance of inhaling the virus. If you cannot avoid going to groceries and other unventilated areas, make your trip as fast as possible.

Avoiding Close Contact With Infected Individuals

Most often, we may not know who is infected or not. We may only be sure if it is a loved one. Although it may be painful, you have to avoid close contact even if the infected person is the closest person to you. If all infected persons are confined, isolated, and treated, that can only be the time that transmission will be stopped.

Sanitizing Before Going Home

Before reaching home, you should sanitize using at least 70% alcohol. Apply it to your hands. You can use sprayable sanitizers for your clothes and other personal stuff. This should kill viruses that have not gone inside your system. You are also ensuring your family’s safety.

With the weakened immune system of seniors, eating the right foods can help them boost their immunity against infection from airborne viruses. Go for green leafy vegetables and fruits, they have lots of vitamins and minerals that will help you replenish your immune system. A reputable supplement is also an excellent option. It can ensure that you are getting the right nutrients. Exercise and sleep will energize you as well as bolster your natural defenses against airborne viruses.

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