Smart Senior Eating: 5 Foods that are Great for Digestion

As we reviewed in our article, Smart Senior Eating: 5 Foods that Cause Inflammation, there are certain foods that just don’t sit right with your digestive system as you age. Foods that contain sugar, artificial trans fats, and refined carbs can lead to bothersome indigestion like bloating, nausea, constipation, and acid reflux. While you should definitely avoid certain foods, there are also foods that promote healthy bacteria that can help with digestion and settle discomfort. We’ve listed some of those foods in this article:


Ginger is known to be a natural aid for stomachaches and discomfort. Ginger speeds up the digestive process and can help empty your stomach faster, reducing bloating. It has also been proven to have other health benefits like reducing osteoarthritis, reducing blood sugar, can prevent cancer, and lowering cholesterol levels. While eating raw ginger might not seem particularly appetizing, there are many ways to incorporate ginger into your daily meals. There are many ginger root teas that include other flavors and spices for a tasty morning tonic. You can also use ginger to season and flavor food.


If you’re a yogurt lover, you might love kefir too! Kefir is a fermented milk drink that contains lots of healthy probiotics and leaves you feeling full. Kefir also has potent antibacterial properties, has been known to improve bone health and reduce the risk of bone diseases like osteoporosis, may improve asthma symptoms, and can soothe an upset stomach. While it has many benefits, not everyone loves the taste of kefir. So, it’s recommended to add kefir to your morning smoothie,

Whole Grains

Whole grains are a great source of fiber which is essential for a healthy digestive system. Whole grains are the seeds of grassy plants and always contain 100% of either bran, germ, or endosperm. There are many different foods that are considered whole grain foods so you’re bound to like quite a few. Quinoa, oatmeal, millet, and brown rice are common favorites. If you’re a pasta lover and can’t imagine giving up your Italian dinners, replace your wheat pasta with whole grain pasta – it will offer many more health benefits and with moderate consumption, is less likely to lead to weight gain.

Leafy Greens

Another great source of fiber is dark green veggies. Leafy greens have been known to speed up the digestive process and improve your stool health. They also contain lots of magnesium and can relieve symptoms of constipation. If you’re not a big fan of veggies, try incorporating them into the meals that you love – whole grain pasta with spinach and mushrooms, chicken soup with kale, or parmesan broccoli. No matter how you choose to consume leafy greens, their healthy sugars will only increase the good bacteria in your gut and will diminish the bad bacteria that can lead to illness.


If you’re an adventurous eater and aren’t intimidated by unusual flavors, consider trying Kombucha to improve your digestive health. Kombucha is a fermented tea that contains tons of healthy bacteria and probiotics that soothe the stomach and have even been known to heal stomach ulcers. Kombucha has become exceedingly popular in the past 10 years and many brands are offered at your local grocery store. It might take a moment to figure out which flavor you like best but if you incorporate it into your normal diet, you’re sure to see the benefits.

What you eat matters, especially as you get older. If you find that you’re experiencing digestive issues, increased lethargy, or just have an overall “not so great” feeling, look at your diet and assess whether it includes good digestive properties. Even incorporating one of these foods into your daily diet is bound to help.

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